OnPoint Augmented Reality:
The Future of Surgery

Keeping Your Eyes on Your Patient

Experience Unprecedented Accuracy and Confidence in Spine Surgery

Headset Side (2)

OnPoint AR is an advanced Augmented Reality system designed to transform spine surgery. By projecting virtual surgical guides and virtual implants directly onto the patient, surgeons can plan and execute with greater ease and accuracy while maintaining critical tactile feedback.

Key Advantages include:

Unprecedented accuracy 

Visualize virtual implants directly on the patient before deciding size or location

Real-time surgical planning before committing to irreversible surgical steps 

Visualize 3D anatomical landmarks directly on the patient 

Preserve tactile senses — a decisive advantage over spinal robotics

Open platform technology — use any implant 

Compelling benefits to patients & surgeons, hospitals, ASCs.

Unprecedented Accuracy

Open and Intuitive Platform for Surgeons

Compelling Benefits

Testimonials & Surgeon Feedback

Ibrahim Hussain, MD

New York, NY

“The accuracy of the system is dead on.”

“It’s almost like you didn’t feel you were wearing anything at all.”

“After about 30 minutes you actually forget you’re wearing a headset.”

Tim O’Connor, MD

Boca Raton, FL

“Unlike the robot, I retain the tactile feel.”

“The targeting accuracy with the 3D visualization targets on the patient is unprecedented.”

“It is a paradigm shift in accuracy.”


Thomas Voegeli, MD

Fresno, CA

“It is a real game changer in scoliotic patients, I would use it in every scoliosis patient.”

“The system will be very important in cervical spine given its unique accuracy.”




“This is really revolutionary. This is more revolutionary than going from mechanical surgery to robotics. You are harnessing a new way to do surgery.”

“The robot just takes a lot of time to set up.”…“It is a big difference if you turn an OR day with three fusions into an OR day with two fusions. It affects the hospital revenue; it affects my income.”

“With this system, accuracy and time can both be solved for the spine.”

It has the potential to be a game changer. It is a much bigger leap than mechanical to robot. It is a whole new concept that has the potential to be more efficient.”

“This is very simple.  Very intuitive.”

“This is cool. This is awesome. This is the future. Anything that helps me to look at the patient and not at the screen.”

With the robot, there is something that you give up. You relinquish the tactile feel.”

“I love that you can load any system into it. Open platform is a huge advantage.”

OnPoint AR vs Legacy Robots

Robotic Spine Surgery

  • Expensive–adds several thousand dollars per case
    • Capital equipment, costly service and maintenance contracts
  • Time additive (3)
  • Not amenable to most ASCs — too large, too expensive
  • Loss of tactile feedback
  • Difficult hand-eye coordination
  • Robot cannot address diversity & complexity of all spinal procedures, only applicable to subset
  • Non-implant procedures not supported

OnPoint AR

  • Perfect for ASCs
    • Small footprint
    • Attractive pricing
  • Potential OR time savings
  • Retains tactile feedback
  • Natural hand-eye coordination
  • Can address diversity & complexity of all spinal procedures with future applications in implant and non-implant surgery
  1. O’Connor T, Hussain I, et al. “Accuracy of an Augmented Reality Spine Surgery Guidance System with Stereoscopic Targeting Head Mounted Display Compared to Standard Computer Navigation, Robotic Systems, and Existing AR Systems”, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Washington, D.C., Sept. 9 – 13, 2023
  2. Depending on procedure. For long constructs, if multiple 3D spins are required, time savings with pre-operative CT can be greater.
  3. Tarawneh AM, Salem K. “A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Comparing the Accuracy and Clinical Outcome of Pedicle Screw Placement Using Robot-Assisted Technology and Conventional Freehand Technique